
I had the Vicky blasted on Sunday. There’s a new company in town called Express Dustless Blasting which uses a wet media blasting process. They are focusing specifically on the classic car market and restoration shops that don’t have the means to do their own blasting. The process has been shown on the TV show My Classic Car. It uses a mixture of glass bead media and water to strip the paint, bondo, and anything else on the car. Besides being dustless it is also extremely quick! The guys from EDB were able to do the entire body of the Ford in about an hour and a half. Another advantage of this process over soda blasting is that the left over glass on the body doesn’t pack into nooks and crannies. It can all be blown out with air. That being said, there is a lot of it to clean up after the fact. I have been going through and wiping the panels down with a gloved hand or a broom before blowing it out. The panels will need another cleaning and a wipe down with metal prep before they are ready for primer or body work.
Does it rust?
Everyone wants to know if the metal flash rusts after the process is finished. The answer is NO! There is a rust inhibitor mixed with the water and media that prevents flash over. Everything I had blasted has been sitting all week and there is no sign of rust at all.
Below are some pictures of the process and what the body looks like afterwards and before cleaning. Besides the body I also had all of the front sheet metal done. I have been focusing on getting those pieces cleaned and prepped to be painted or worked on. The inner fenders, hood support and front cross piece are all ready for primer and paint. They are completely straight and look better than new! I’ve already painted the fresh air ducts.